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Britt's Ministry

My current ministry is to my husband and my boys and it's hard but it's the best thing ever; however I have been involved in so many ministries over the years I can't keep track!


Most recently as the youth pastors wife, I help him with anything he needs, and I also find myself taking care of our church's social media accounts, website rebuild and upkeep, as well as stage design and all creative needs of the church! 


In my teen years I did sound and video for my church as well as sang in the choir and on the worship team! Volunteering in our church library, working in a Christian bookstore, going on a couple mission trips and being extremely involved in our Youth Group is how I spent my spare time.


In the past 10 years or so I have been involved in Youth Group with Nick, several choirs, worship teams, women's ministries. In university, I was a resident assistant at Spring Arbor University and on Student Government. I managed the (fully loaded) Coffee Bar at our church in Colorado,. PiM3 was an organization I was on leadership for at Denver Seminary preparing for wives for ministry along side their seminary husbands. I was a wedding coordinator at West Bowles Church too! Planning as many events as possible is my passion (pictured above - a hoedown, a chili cook-off, a winter brunch, a spring tea, a Wisdom from the Trenches event, a Christian Author Linda Dillow teaching event, a Sunday School class and Ladies Laser-tag). I love creating posters for events, mini promotional videos or summary videos as well as my love of taking pictures and love photographing families so that they always have memories of these years that go so fast! 


As I move forward I really want to make sure that my family comes first and then that ministry I'm involved in is what I'm called to do, not just to fill in where I'm needed as you can tell I love to be involved in God's work here on earth! 


Thanks for learning just a quick overview of who I have been and I look forward to how God uses me in the future!


                                                 - Brittney Everett

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